Skin & Soul operates under the agreement of sacredness. This means we respect ourselves, one another, and the locations we operate within.
+ During events phones are kept out of sight.
+ We treat out bodies as sacred, meaning hygiene is paramount.
+ Members respect one another in confidentiality and anonymity.
+ Members are aware of their current sexual health status and communicate it honestly.
+ There is a zero tolerance policy for gossip.
Skin & Soul operates under the agreement of sovereignty. This means we take responsibility for ourselves and advocate for our own needs, preferences, and boundaries.
+ Members have basic methods of self-coping, soothing, and/or emotional releasing.
+ Members ask for support within the community if needed.
+ Members feel confident in their yes's and no's.
+ Members do not complain without offering a solution.
+ Couples or partnered participants decide on agreements with their partner and stick with their commitments.
Skin & Soul operates under the agreement of consent. This means we do not engage without explicit agreement to a proposal of desires.
+ Just because you have consent at one event, doesn’t make it permanent.
+ Members do not take it personally if boundaries or desires shift or are revoked.
+ We let people have their process/experience and only offer coaching/suggestions/support when it is explicitly offered and accepted with enthusiastic consent.
+ Peer pressure is not tolerated.
Thank you for your interest in our community!
Skin & Soul is where body, desire, & sexuality are celebrated as sacred expressions. Here we shed layers of shame, fear, and limiting beliefs, creating a safe space for authentic exploration. Stepping into your truth with vulnerability, authenticity, and deep self-love. Through our experiences, members are invited to transform the narrative around sex from one of repression to one of reverence & deep connection.
We thoughtfully select individuals based on referrals, intentions, contributions, and a shared value of growth. Skin & Soul is a community for those committed to self-expansion and the collective betterment of the world, fostering an environment of openness, respect, and empowerment. We curate our community with discernment and request all members be respectful, open-minded, and 21 years of age or older.
Once welcomed, members gain access to unique, curated experiences that honor play and intimacy. Before attending their first event, all new members are required to complete a consent and safety orientation, ensuring that our space remains conscious, safe, and sacred.
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